Lari Tuomisto






15 years of experience

Software designer
Lead developer
Software architect

Passionate About







projects that make more than money


Let’s talk:

As my colleague, my customer, my employer - I hope to make your day better.

I have worked in software development for 15 years, and have a vast amount of knowledge all the way from people, processes, requirements and end products and all things technical in between. Ever since starting I've focused especially on honing my skills in a technology agnostic way. My love of software architecture stems from a near obsessive early interest in engineering a fully component based game engine.

Technologically, I have extensive backend development experience and have lately focused on the frontend and its architectural challenges. In reality, most of my time is spent solving for the humans.

Software is about people, for the people. Code is meant to be read by humans, not machines. People are the center of my software dev world view. I consider myself an expert in understanding what makes a long term project take the right steps to make the marathon.

I believe that simplicity and a reductive approach is key for sustainable software development in every aspect. I believe solid abstractions have value and limiting what you use is key for long term maintainability. One should start with a minimal amount of processes and let reviews and time inform you what is required. People should be given ownership of the processes for them to become the best possible tool.

Quality should be central for sustainability and more important than shipping. I believe quality stems from having and organizing the time to think things through. It stems from continuous delivery and not being afraid to change things. Making things easy to change. Quality is thinking. Thinking is quality.

Good software should reduce wasted human life on all sides of the equation, all the time.





Software Architect, building cloud native services for banking and public sector services.


~1 year

Software architect at a gaming company, providing process and QoL improvements for a community of about 200 engineers


9 years

Software designer to lead developer to architect.

Logia Software

3 years

Service oriented logistics software development

The odd jobs

3 years

Summer jobs, building robots and the start of the career.

For more details, check linkedin.

Hit me up, if you like what you see :)